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How will China's New Silk Road shape Myanmar's economy? | The New Silk Road | Full Episode

For decades, China was the main economic outlet for a Myanmar squeezed by Western sanctions, making  ...View More

One Village, Two Countries, No Border | The New Silk Road | CNA Insider

At the China-Myanmar border, there is village that is half-Chinese and half-Myanmar. The side on Chi ...View More

Blood Jades: The Dark Side Of Myanmar's Jade Trade With China | The New Silk Road | CNA Insider

The jade trade between Myanmar and China is worth an estimated US$30 billion a year - about half of  ...View More

Becoming Mr Ban's Friend | Across ASEAN | CNA Insider

At first, Sofia was just a tourist from Singapore, and Mr Ban a tuk-tuk driver plying the streets of ...View More

The Lady and The Rohingya | Insight | CNA Insider

Why has Nobel peace prize laureate Aung San Suu Kyi not spoken out for the Rohingya in Myanmar? Here ...View More

Sackfuls of Millions | Money Mind | CNA Insider

'I'd like to deposit S$5 million in cash, please.' Just a day at the bank in Myanmar, where people p ...View More

Cast Out To Die | Myanmar's Elderly Poor | CNA Insider

Cast aside “like rubbish” and turned away even by nursing homes, these elderly outcasts are given di ...View More

House Of Love | Myanmar's Elderly Poor | CNA Insider

"They treat us like their own parents or grandparents.” How a small group of volunteers in Yangon, M ...View More

A Time For Inter-Faith Unity | Ramadan In Asia | CNA Insider

Civil organisations in Myanmar are using the month of Ramadan to conduct inter-religious activities  ...View More

Portrait Of A Migrant Worker | CNA Insider

Nyein Chan is a migrant worker who left Myanmar for a job as a sales assistant in Dubai. Previously  ...View More

Myanmar Thadingyut Festival Of Lights | CNA Insider

It is a day that marks the end of a month-long period of lent for Buddhists in Myanmar. When the moo ...View More

ShweTube, Collection of Myanmar Youtube Videos